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Emailing Prism files to colleagues

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Click on the Send by Email button in the Send section of the Prism toolbar. You can choose to send a Sheet, Family, or Project. Your email program will open and create a new message with the Prism file attached. The format of the file depends on what you choose:

If you choose to send a data table or results sheet, it will be sent as a text file.

If you send a graph or layout, Prism will send it as a .PDF file.

If you choose to send a family or project, Prism creates a temporary copy of the project, and attaches that to the email. Changes you make after choosing the Send Mail command will not be included in the email, even if you delay sending it.

These commands probably won't work if you use a web-based email system or a nonstandard email program. If the command doesn't work, or isn't available, you can still attach Prism files to email. Simply save the file, and then attach it to an email from your email program. If you only want to send a subset of your project, save the current sheet and all related sheets using the Save Family As command. Choose Save Special from the File section of the Prism toolbar.

You can send a Prism file even to someone who doesn't own Prism. The recipient can view the file using a free Prism trial. After the trial expires in 30 days) it becomes a Viewer that doesn't expire. It lets anyone view and print all contents of a Prism file, including analysis choices, but does not allow any editing or exporting.





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