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This guide is for an old version of Prism. Browse the latest version or update Prism

Key concepts: Statistical analyses with Prism

To analyze data, start from a data table (or graph, or green results table), and click the Analyze button.

Prism ignores any selection you have made on the data table. If you want to analyze only certain data sets, you can choose that on the Analyze Data dialog.

Prism remembers the links between data, analyses and graphs. If you change (or replace) the data, the analyses and graphs will update automatically.

The best way to learn about analyses is to choose tutorial data sets.

From the User Guide

How to analyze data with Prism

Creating chains of analyses

Changing an analysis

Frozen and orphaned analysis results

Excluding data points from an analysis

Embedding results on a graph

Hooking to analysis and info constants

Color coding key results

Simulating data and Monte Carlo analyses

Prism can plot and analyze simulated data, as well as data you enter.

Simulating a data table

Using a script to simulate many data sets

Key concepts: Monte Carlo analyses

Monte Carlo example: Accuracy of confidence intervals

Transforming, normalizing, etc.

Key concept -- Manipulating data

Transform data

Transforming concentrations

Remove baseline


Transpose rows and columns

Prune rows

Fraction of total

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