You can ensure that everyone using Prism sees the same templates, methods and examples. Create them on one computer, and then move the files to the other computers you manage. To do that, you need to know where the files are stored.
Templates are complete Prism files that you'll see listed on the Open File tab of the Welcome dialog. You can tell Prism where to save templates in the File Locations tab of the Preferences dialog. The default locations are listed below.
Prism saves templates in:
[[system disk]:\ProgramData\GraphPad Software\Prism\7.0\Templates\[templates category folder]
Prism Mac saves these files in:
Users/[User]/Library/Application Support/GraphPad/prism/7/Templates/[templates category folder]
A method file contains a data table and linked analyses and graphs. When you apply a method, using the Wand (Wizard to Analyze Data), those analyses and graphs are attached to a new data table.
Prism saves methods in:
[system disk]:\ProgramData\GraphPad Software\Prism\7.0\Methods\[methods category folder]
Prism Mac saves these files in:
/Library/Application Support/GraphPad/prism/7/Methods/[methods category folder]
An example file is a Prism graph with linked data and analyses. You clone an example from the Clone A Graph tab of the Welcome dialog.
Saved examples
Prism Windows XP saves examples in:
[system disk]:\Documents and Settings\[User]\Application Data\GraphPad Software\Prism\7.0\Examples\[examples category folder]
On Vista or Windows 7, Prism saves examples in:
[system disk]:\Users\[User]\AppData\Roaming\GraphPad Software\Prism\7.0\Examples\[examples category folder]
Prism Mac saves these files in:
/Users/[User]/Library/Application Support/GraphPad/prism/7/Examples/[examples category folder]
Shared examples
The Welcome dialog cloning tab offers a separate tab for shared examples. These are intended to be examples created in a lab to be shared with everyone in a lab. The only way to show graphs on this tab is to manually move filed from the saved example folder to the shared example folder.
On Windows XP, Prism looks for shared examples in:
[system_disk]:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\GraphPad Software\Prism\7.0\Examples\
On Windows Vista or Windows 7, Prism looks for shared examples in:
[system_disk]:\Users\All Users\GraphPad Software\Prism\7.0\Examples\
Prism Mac looks for shared examples in:
Library/Application Support/GraphPad/prism/7/Examples
Prism Mac also looks for shared examples within the application bundle:
Providing online Help for methods and templates
When you save the template or method, enter a brief description. If you want to provide more extensive help to your users, also create a web (.htm) file that explains use of the template or method. Give it the same name as the template or method, but with the extension .htm, and place it in the same folder. For example, if your template is doseresponse.pzt, create a help file named doseresponse.htm. When someone uses the template or method, Prism will pop up the dialog with the brief instructions. This dialog also has a button “Help for this template”. When your uses click this button, Prism will launch a web browser to display the .htm file you created.