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Groups of Analyses in the Analyze Menu

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The Analyze menu was introduced in Prism 9.1, and provides access to each of the analyses that Prism offers. These analyses are organized into groups based on the objective of the analysis. Each of the groups and the analyses within each are listed below.

Data Processing


Transform concentrations (X)


Prune Rows

Remove Baseline and Column Math

Transpose X and Y

Fraction of Total

Identify Outliers

Extract and Rearrange

Select and Transform

Data Exploration and Summary

Descriptive Statistics

Row Statistics


Frequency Distribution

Normality and Lognormality Tests

Compare Observed Distribution with Expected

Smooth, Differentiate or Integrate Curve

Area under Curve

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Analyze a Stack of P Values

Regression and Curves

Nonlinear Regression (Curve Fit)

Interpolate a Standard Curve

Simple Linear Regression

Simple Logistic Regression

Fit Spline/LOWESS

Deming (Model II) Linear Regression

Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple Logistic Regression

Plot a Function

Group Comparison

T Tests (and Nonparametric Tests)

One Sample T and Wilcoxon Test

One-Way ANOVA (and Nonparametric or Mixed)

Two-Way ANOVA (or Mixed Model)

Three-Way ANOVA (or Mixed Model)

Multiple T Tests (and Nonparametric Tests)

Nested T Test

Nested One-Way ANOVA

Chi-Square (and Fisher's Exact) Test

Bland-Altman Method Comparison

ROC Curve

Survival Analysis

Simple Survival Analysis


Simulate XY Data

Simulate Column Data

Simulate 2x2 Contingency Table

Monte Carlo

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